It's OK to Feel...did you know that?

How are you feeling today?

No...I don't mean are you still stuffed from all those yummy Thanksgiving foods? :)


It's a tough question for some. 

As Christian (and even if you're not) some of us are programmed from childhood to see emotions through black and white lenses...good emotions are good...bad emotions are bad. Cut and dry...that's it. 

And then what do we do? We stuff emotions such as anger, fear, depression, bitterness and hurt down deep inside because after all..."The JOY of the Lord is my strength" Nehemiah 8:10 says so every emotion must be happy or I am weak in faith. 

Sound familiar?

I have recently started a book that my counselor recommneded called "Emotionally Healthy Spirituality" by Peter Scazzero and in chapter 2 he lists the top 10 Symptoms of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality.

Number 2 was: ignoring the emotions of anger, sadness and fear. 

And there was this quote: 

What exactly does it mean? Let's break it down. 

To feel is human. Feelings are a natural part of our genetic make up. Our bodies are designed to release adrenaline when we are scared, serotonin when we are happy, leucine-enkephalin when we are sad and so many other hormones and chemicals that engrained within our bodies that all have to do with FEELINGS. 

To minimize or deny what we feel. Minimize is to lower our emotional needs for the sake of someone else. Are there times this is necessary? Yes, but if it is a recurring theme in your life, the build up of back logged emotions can be hazardous physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. To outright deny they exist is taking the disaster of minimizing and multiplying it times 10. 

This was me. My therapist and I use the analogy of a backpack. Instead of dealing with my issues, I denied they existed by stuffing them away and pretending they didn't exist, when all the while my mental/emotional "backpack" became heavier and heavier with these bricks of negative emotions that I began to stumble and there was little to no room for the good stuff. 

Is a distortion. One of the 3 definitions of distortion is this: the act of giving a misleading account or impression {the other 2 definitions are science based.}

Of what it means to be image bearers. What is an image bearer? Simply someone who reflects back an image...a physical mirror if you will. 

Of our personal God. This is where decisions need to made. Who/what is your personal God? Is your job? Is your status? Even our EMOTIONS can become our God if we choose to live in drama and only feel "alive" when you are needed as an emotional sounding board. 

If you're a believer...your personal God is ..well GOD with a BIG G ad I've heard people say and you know what? Our God is an emotional God! 

Here's a few examples: 

"For GOD so LOVED the World..." John 3:16

"You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a JEALOUS God..." Exodus 20:5

"The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul HATES the wicked and the one who loves violence." Psalm 11:5 

"I will REJOICE in doing them good, and I will plant them in this land in faithfulness, with all my heart and all my soul." Jeremiah 32:41 

If we are image bearers of God and HE has emotions (both positive and negative), then WHY do we feel the need to push our's minimize or even deny them? They are a part of who we are just as much as our faith is. 

The trick is to find BALANCE. 

First Peter 5:8 says: 
Be well balanced (temperate--aka self-controlled) be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring, seeking someone to seize upon and devour.

Satan would like nothing more than to have you RULED by your emotions rather than being a holy reflection of God given emotions. 

Take a minute and write down the first 5 emotions that come to mind when you think about your life. Don't over think it...just be honest and write down whatever pops in. Now look at them...are any of them negative? Chances are...atleast 1 or 2 or maybe even more. 

Pray on those. Ask God for guidance of why you are feeling that way. Is there a recent situation or a past issue you haven't dealt with? 

Talk to someone you trust (not everyone is worthy of your business!) Lay out how you feel and maybe they can help you figure out why. Maybe you need someone with training, like a pastor or a counselor. And that's OK! Don't add fear to your list...we all need help from time to time. 

Being healthy emotionally opens up doors to a better life, but we can't be if we don't acknowledge what is wrong. 

Until next time. 


Ps. Here is the book I referenced:

PSS. As image was made using the Rhonna Farrer iPhone App. 

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I am a lover of all things creative...from cooking and scrapping to mixed media and music to reading and writing. You name it...I love it (well...except for sewing. LOL) Come join me on my journey of daily creativity, as I live The Creative Life.
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